Friday, April 2, 2010



Today is Good Friday when tradition tells us about the arrest, trials, and eventual crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Easter Sunday is soon approaching. The day Christians around the world celebrate as the day Jesus arose from the grave.

There are many arguments that surround the crucifixion of Jesus. Who is to be blamed for His death? Was it the Jews who tried him and found him guilty of heresy? Or the Romans for carrying out the execution? The correct answer is that it was US. ALL of mankind. Jesus forgave those at the cross for his crucifixion, and that is the only blanket forgiveness that can be found in the Bible. While we are all guilty, He pardoned us for his suffering and ultimate death. It is not for us to say who is at fault for killing Jesus. It is a moot point. Makes no difference because we must remember that without his death, there would be no resurrection, and therefore no promise that we look forward to.

Without that, there would be no purpose to our faith. It is that promise, and hope that kept me going when I was in the hospital this in November, 2008 and my infectious disease doctor came into my room and told me that there was a high possibility that I would not be going home from the hospital because the infection that I had could not be located. I had faced death and was scared for but a moment, and then had the reassurance come over me that all would be well. Although I have never claimed to be a perfect Christian (as I am far from perfect), I realized that all men must die. The only thing that changes is when and how. I then realized that I would be heading to my heavenly home if the Lord did indeed need me there more than He needed me here.

In a few days I celebrate my birthday. I have been blessed with much here, but await much more on the day I leave this world behind. That is a promise I can bank on.

Now, for my commentary...... As the story goes, in 1917 the Bolsheviks seized power by taking over key government buildings including the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg (Petrograd) Russia, and this plunged the nation into a civil war which lasted until 1922 when the nation became the Soviet Union under centralized Communist control. One of the key components of Communism is complete obedience and reverence to the State.

Unfortunately, many religions demand that you are accountable to a "higher power" so a key plank of Communism is Atheism which is the belief that there is no God. Thus the State replaces God and as a citizen, you service the State and the State provides for your well being and your needs. This is a great concept on paper, but this is alien to the human spirit.

The Bolshevik government sent out representatives who held town meetings all over the Soviet Union and in one particular meeting, the fired up Communist was blasting the Christian religion and gave a four hour dissertation on the faults and contradictions of Christianity and how Jesus Christ was a charlatan or con man. As he finished his speech, the auditorium was silent and convinced that he persuaded those present that Christianity was not real he became bold and challenged the audience he asked those gathered "If anyone can tell me something that may convince me that Christianity is true, let him come up here and speak now."

In the back of the auditorium, and old man stood up and hobbled down the aisle, and after a few minutes he finally arrived at the podium, and looked at those gathered in front of him in the silent crowd. He cleared his throat, and boldly said "Хрїстóсъ воскрéсе!" (Christ is Risen!) and the reply came from the every person in the auditorium "Воистину воскресе!" (Surely He has Risen!"). The Commies realized that they had much work to do for every "reasonable" objection was presented, but clearly they did not understand the concept of "faith."

Thursday, April 1, 2010


The main purpose of the RELIGION BLOG is to address issues regarding to the Christian Church in particular, however sometimes we need to take a look at other faiths and traditions. Today I am addressing the question of "Why do Jews support Democrats?" which is again being asked in the wake of the recent incidents by our Democrat leaders.

Recently our Messianic President Barak "The One" Obama disrespected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netyanyahu. The Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz reported that "Prime Minister Benjamin Netyanyahu leaves America disgraced, isolated and altogether weaker than when he came."

Hillary Rodham Clinton, US Secretary of State chastised Israel for building new "settlements in Jerusalem" which was an out right, BOLD FACED lie.

What did you expect from the Democrats? President Barak Obama stated in his book that he would "stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction" and the winds shifted to ugly on election day in 2008.

This should be no surprise to anyone, but the answer to the question of why Jews vote Democrat is basically two fold.

First, they incorrectly believe that Democrat President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (The Darling of the Left) saved them from the Nazi's of Germany in World War II when the credit belongs squarely on the Soviet Red Army.

Secondly, most Jews are Liberal and a Liberal is a Liberal first, then everything else.

I visited several sites today and looked at the posts made by visitors. One person stated that he spoke about the clear anti-Semitism in the Democrat party and his Jewish friend said with a straight face that he didn't see any.

I won't belabor the point however after "The One" was sworn into office, I received an email from a Jewish friend who was upset at the Anti-Israeli (Jewish) sentiment. Below are a few excepts from my response to her.

Does this poll or sudden anti-Israeli attitude shift really surprise you? Barack Obama was electedPresident and I knew a long time ago that this man was anti-Israel, as is much of the extreme kookfringe of the Democrat party. These people are so filled with anti-Bush, anti-religion, anti-Israeli hatredthat they seem blinded by it. There is no reasoning with them. They just shout slogans at you.

Here is a piece quoting the "Reverend" Jesse Jerkson as I affectionately call him... I do not recall the source but copied/pasted/emailed the story to myself on 10/04/2004 and it is unedited.

The most important change would occur in the Middle East, where “decades of putting Israel’s interests first” would end. “Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades” remain strong, they’ll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House. “Bush was so afraid of a snafu and of upsetting Israel that he gave the whole thing a miss,” “Barack will change that,” because, as long as the Palestinians haven’t seen justice, the Middle East will “remain a source of danger to us all.”“Barack is determined to repair our relations with the world of Islam and Muslims,” Jackson says.

“Thanks to his background and ecumenical approach, he knows how Muslims feel while remaining committed to his own faith.” Now for those of you still with your heads up your rear ends, who will protest that Jackson is not an Obama advisor, remember that the two are still close.

Jackson warns that he isn’t an Obama confidant or adviser, “just a supporter.” But he adds that Obama has been “a neighbor or, better still, a member of the family.” Jackson’s son has been a close friend of Obama for years, and Jackson’s daughter went to school with Obama’s wife Michelle.“We helped him start his career,” says Jackson. “And then we were always there to help him move ahead. He is the continuation of our struggle for justice not only for the black people but also for all those who have been wronged.”

Now if what Jerkson said is true, voting in some worthless Internet poll won't do anything. What has to be done is a letter campaign to the Democrats in Congress indicating your unease and displeasure of a shift from Israel to the Arabs. Remind them that you are watching them and that you all vote.

It's a tough pill to swallow but the Democrats give Jews lip service and the Jews for whatever reason keep voting for them in huge numbers. Why? They support the Arabs every time. Just look at Jimmy Carter --always bashing Israel and he too is supposedly a "man of God."

Unfortunately the tide has turned and the people who are supposed to be your friends are courting your enemies. As a Christian I believe that God places people in authority to rule over us but sometimes God submits to the will of the people and "gives us what WE want." I fear that Obama is President because it is what we want, not what God wills.